Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday... Rocking the Mini-van

I'm thankful this Thursday for all the other moms out there with big families. They know how lonely it can be to be a mom with many children. I ran into a woman at the Post office the other day, also with six children, and she was so upbeat and sweet and obviously happy, I was renewed.

I complain regularly about not being able to do the things I want to do. Having a large family means making sacrifices. I can't just go to a movie with my kids. It would cost me about $50 just for tickets. If I want to do anything for myself (like go get a haircut or for a walk) I have to cram it in between soccer games, softball practice, baseball practice, dentist appointments, etc. There is always a child underfoot. Always.

So, thank you, mom-at-the-post-office for reminding me that you can be a mom of many, rock a conversion van, run errands (standing in line at the PO with two small children...ugh) in a track suit and a pony tail, and still have a smile on your face and take the time to chat for a minute in the line. You made me stop and think that even if I do complain about the fact that there is always a child within 10 feet of me, that child is loved, healthy, clothed, fed, and well behaved for the most part. Sometimes, in my day, the toughest decision is whether to feed the kids dinner before or after soccer practice.

Love this knitting project bag from McYarnpants on Etsy...

I have time to crochet pretty much no matter where I go(it's easy to crochet in the line at the post office, waiting for the kids to get out of school in the carpool lane, and at the dentist's office), I have a family that loves me, and there's always something to do. I don't have to go off to work every day and stress over how many hours I'm clocking or if my work is satisfactory to the boss or not. Here, I'm the boss, and if my kids are still alive at the end of the day, I know I've at least met expectations.

Now, I need to go clean some toilets, before I finish up work on my items for tomorrow's stocking at Crunchy Congo...


amy said...

EXACTLY Shannon, keep on keepin' on!

Gillyweeds said...

haha, Amy, you know it! See you at softball...=)